JPID - Vol 04 - Issue 01

About the Cover

Over the years man has evolved from a four-legged arboreal being to a bipedal terrestrial being. To make his life easier he has evolved everything around him in his favour. The field of dentistry is not an exception to the dramatic evolution in technical advancements. Articulators play an important role in rehabilitation. From the age of plaster articulator in the early 1700s to the virtual articulators, we have come a long way. Some models have paved the way for better ones, while some were forgotten. Leaving behind footprints in the evolutionary sands, every model of articulator beholds its own story.


Article 1: Customizing the Emergence Profile using a Screw Retained Implant Provisional Restoration- A Case Report

Shobhit Agarwal, Anoop Sharma, Ravishankar Krishna, Vibha Shetty

Article 2: Odontology: A Forensic Outlook

Rohit Raghavan, Shajahan P.A, Ambili Ravindran

Article 3: Role of Virtual Reality in Prosthodontics

Anuroopa A., Kavitha Janardanan, N.S. Manikantan

Article 4: Treatment Modalities of Temporomandibular Disorders-Hard and Soft Splints

Deepthi SS, Sudeep S, Monila Mohan

Article 5: Ice cream cone technique : A flapless bone regeneration technique

Sheejith M, Sruthi Viswanath, Abu Nazar

Article 6: Bioceramics: Dental Implant Biomaterials

Rohit Raghavan, Shajahan P A, Poornima Purushothaman

Article 7: A Technique to Condition Soft Tissue around Fixed Restoration Pontic in the Esthetic Zone: Modified Ovate Pontics

Akarshan Dayal Gupta, Anurag Hasti, Payal R Kumar


Haby Mathew Somson

JPID – The journal of Prosthetic and Implant Dentistry / Volume 4 Issue 1 / Sept–Dec 2020

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