JPID - Vol 04 - Issue 01


*Haby Mathew Somson
* Reader, Dept. of Prosthodontics, Pushpagiri College of Dental Sciences, Thiruvalla, Kerala

  1. The expected degree of movement of a healthy residual ridge or masticatory mucosa beneath a tooth-tissue supported removable partial denture is
    1. 0-2 mm
    2. 0.5-1 mm
    3. 1-2 mm
    4. 1-3 mm
    5. 2-4mm

  2. Which among the following statements regarding an ideal linguoplate major connector is NOT true
    1. Linguoplate itself serve as an indirect retainer without definite rests
    2. Linguoplate stabilizes periodontally weak teeth
    3. Linguoplate should always have terminal rests at each end regardless of the need for indirect retention
    4. The cross sectional outline of a lingual plate is half-pear shaped
    5. Wax used for fabricating lingual plate major connector is 6 gauge thickness

  3. The junction of major and minor connector should be located
    1. 2 mm medial from an imaginary line that would contact lingual surfaces of missing posterior teeth
    2. 4 mm medial from an imaginary line that would contact lingual surfaces of missing posterior teeth
    3. 2 mm lateral from an imaginary line that would contact lingual surfaces of missing posterior teeth
    4. 4 mm lateral from an imaginary line that would contact lingual surfaces of missing posterior teeth

  4. The inferior border of a labial bar major connector should be located
    1. at the vestibular depth
    2. 3 mm above the vestibular depth
    3. 4 mm above the vestibular depth
    4. at junction of attached and unattached mucosa
    5. None of the above

  5. In any tooth–tissue supported partial denture, the relation of occlusal rest to abutment should be like
    1. A pulley
    2. A ball and socket joint
    3. A movable hinge joint
    4. A Class II lever
    5. None of the above

  6. Ideal specifications for an incisal rest
    1. 2 mm wide and 1 mm deep
    2. 2.5 mm wide and 1.5 mm deep
    3. 1 mm wide and 2 mm deep
    4. 1.5 mm wide and 2.5 mm deep
    5. 2 mm wide and 2 mm deep

  7. The terms suprabulge and infrabulge was introduced by
    1. Cummer
    2. Swenson
    3. DeVan
    4. Applegate
    5. Kennedy

  8. The single most important factor in selecting a clasp for use with distal extension partial dentures
    1. Cross sectional form of clasp arm
    2. Length of clasp arm
    3. Diameter of clasp arm
    4. Location of undercut
    5. Material used for clasp arm

  9. Kennedys class I partial denture derives it primary support from
    1. Abutment teeth
    2. Residual ridge underlying the base
    3. Lingual inclines of anterior teeth
    4. A and B
    5. A, B, and C

  10. Surveying using a worn out or tapered carbon marker
    1. will indicate height of contour more cervically than they actually exist
    2. will indicate height of contour more occlusally than they actually exist
    3. will indicate height of contour as it actually exist
    4. will not indicate height of contour
    5. none of the above


  1. D. McCracken’s 11th Ed. Page 12
  2. A. McCracken’s 11th Ed. Page 41
  3. A. McCracken’s 11th Ed. Page 60.
  4. D. McCracken’s 11th Ed. Page 62.
  5. B. McCracken’s 11th Ed. Page 69
  6. B. McCracken’s 11th Ed. Page 77
  7. C. McCracken’s 11th Ed. Page 84.
  8. D. McCracken’s 11th Ed. Page 87.
  9. B McCracken’s 11th Ed. Page 146.
  10. B McCracken’s 11th Ed. Page 179.

JPID – The journal of Prosthetic and Implant Dentistry / Volume 4 Issue 1 / Sept–Dec 2020

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