JPID - Vol 04 - Issue 03


*Haby Mathew Somson
* Reader, Dept. of Prosthodontics, Pushpagiri College of Dental Sciences, Thiruvalla, Kerala

  1. The dimension if ideal guiding plane for a tooth supported partial denture is
    1. 1-3 mm occlusogingivally
    2. 2-4 mm occlusogingivally
    3. 3-5 mm occlusogingivally
    4. 2 mm occlusogingivally
    5. 3 mm occlusogingivally

  2. Identify the lever which comes into action in the following RPD situation?

  3. Which among the following is known as Closed Kennedy major connector?
    1. Sublingual bar
    2. Complete palate
    3. Double lingual bar
    4. Lingual plate
    5. Palatal strap

  4. Which portion of the single palatal strap major connector shows slightly greater bulk in cross section
    1. Anterior portion
    2. Middle portion
    3. Posterior portion
    4. Anterior two third portion
    5. Posterior one third portion

  5. Who put forward a systematic designing protocol for maxillary major connector?
    1. Swenson
    2. Blatterfien
    3. Jelenko
    4. Cummins
    5. McCracken

  6. Which among the following major connector is known s Open Doughnut design
    1. Horse-shoe
    2. Antero-posterior palatal strap
    3. Lingual plate
    4. Complete palate
    5. Palatal strap

  7. Preparation feature of an extended occlusal rest includes
    1. 0.5-1 mm bevel on buccal and lingual occlusal surfaces
    2. 1-2 mm guiding plane on mesial surface of abutment
    3. 1-2 mm bevel on buccal and lingual occlusal surfaces
    4. Both A and B
    5. Both B and C

  8. What is the natural phenomenon in which the canopies of these trees don’t ever touch each other?

  9. Greater the angle of Cervical convergence
    1. Closer the clasp terminus to the height of contour
    2. Farther the clasp terminus to the height of contour
    3. Greater will be the undercut
    4. Both A and C
    5. Both B and C

  10. The anticipated degree of error which is bound to occur while reorienting a cast on a surveyor after tripoding
    1. 0.1 mm
    2. O.2 mm
    3. 0.3 mm
    4. 0.4 mm
    5. 0.5 mm


  1. B
  2. CLASS II Lever. McCracken’s 11th Ed. Page 26-28
  3. D.
  4. B.McCracken’s 11th Ed. Page 48
  5. B.McCracken’s 11th Ed. Page 50
  6. A
  7. E.McCracken’s 11th Ed. Page 70-71
  8. Crown Shyness
  9. D. McCracken’s 11th Ed. Page 83
  10. B. McCracken’s 11th Ed. Page 178

JPID – The journal of Prosthetic and Implant Dentistry / Volume 4 Issue 3 / May–August 2021

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